Detached Retina Symptoms and Signs

If you suddenly notice spots, floaters and flashes of light, you may be experiencing the warning signs of a detached retina. Your vision might become blurry, or you might have poor vision. Another sign is seeing a shadow or a curtain descending from the top of the eye or across from the side.
These signs can occur gradually as the retina pulls away from the supportive tissue, or they may occur suddenly if the retina detaches immediately.
No pain is associated with retinal detachment. If you experience any of the signs, consult your eye doctor right away. Immediate treatment increases your odds of regaining lost vision.

Retina Detachment ~ My Personal Experience

Within hours I went from being virtually oblivious to retinal detachments, and their implications, to understanding that, while minimal, there was a chance I could soon be blind in my left eye!
Here's a diary of what transpired and my perspective on possibly managing and improving treatment for pain and fear ... so you don't have to feel the pain I did and the fear I saw another go through!
So far I have had one reattachment which did not hold and am now in the process of undergoing more intrusive surgery to attempt reattachment.
(This is a blog, so to start at the beginning, simply scroll to the end and read forward from there.)
You can contact me ... Mike ... at marandmike @

Summary of My Operations

Jul 8, 2009 ... Pneumatic Retinopexy, (C3F8 Gas), Dr. Martin
Aug 6, 2009 ... Vitrectomy, (C3F8 Gas), Dr. Chaudhary
Sept 4, 2009 ... Vitrectomy, (C3F8 Gas, Buckle, Cataract: Lens replacement), Dr. Chaudhary
Oct 19, 2009 ... Vitrectomy, (Silicone Oil), Dr. Chaudhary

Jul 24, 2009 ... Laser Surgery, Dr. Martin
Aug 1, 2009 ... Laser Surgery, Dr. Chaudhary

Friday, July 10, 2009

UPDATE: Friday, July 10, 2009, Noon

Two days less 6 hours after the surgery my eye is still very swollen, almost shut, but sight is quickly restoring.
There is mild discomfort due to the constant weeping of the eye, but no pain.
When I roll my eye around the attached muscles still tell me they had been stretched ... but that pain is also very dull now.
There is also a slight itch ... so there's a steady tendency to rub the eye ... I am going through a ton of Kleenex dabbing at it and soaking up the steady weeping, which also helps to relieve the slight itchiness.

