Detached Retina Symptoms and Signs

If you suddenly notice spots, floaters and flashes of light, you may be experiencing the warning signs of a detached retina. Your vision might become blurry, or you might have poor vision. Another sign is seeing a shadow or a curtain descending from the top of the eye or across from the side.
These signs can occur gradually as the retina pulls away from the supportive tissue, or they may occur suddenly if the retina detaches immediately.
No pain is associated with retinal detachment. If you experience any of the signs, consult your eye doctor right away. Immediate treatment increases your odds of regaining lost vision.

Retina Detachment ~ My Personal Experience

Within hours I went from being virtually oblivious to retinal detachments, and their implications, to understanding that, while minimal, there was a chance I could soon be blind in my left eye!
Here's a diary of what transpired and my perspective on possibly managing and improving treatment for pain and fear ... so you don't have to feel the pain I did and the fear I saw another go through!
So far I have had one reattachment which did not hold and am now in the process of undergoing more intrusive surgery to attempt reattachment.
(This is a blog, so to start at the beginning, simply scroll to the end and read forward from there.)
You can contact me ... Mike ... at marandmike @

Summary of My Operations

Jul 8, 2009 ... Pneumatic Retinopexy, (C3F8 Gas), Dr. Martin
Aug 6, 2009 ... Vitrectomy, (C3F8 Gas), Dr. Chaudhary
Sept 4, 2009 ... Vitrectomy, (C3F8 Gas, Buckle, Cataract: Lens replacement), Dr. Chaudhary
Oct 19, 2009 ... Vitrectomy, (Silicone Oil), Dr. Chaudhary

Jul 24, 2009 ... Laser Surgery, Dr. Martin
Aug 1, 2009 ... Laser Surgery, Dr. Chaudhary

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mar's Post Op E-mail to Family and Friends

08 July 09

Hi Everyone,

Apologies off the top for sending a group email in reply to your warm wishes and prayers but it has been a very stressful few days and we need to be back at the hospital to see Dr Martin at 7:45 in the morning (Thursday). We so appreciate your concern and what I have done is copy and pasted the email I sent out to our kids a little while ago (Wed 08 July)

We want to thank you for your wishes and prayers for Mike's surgery today. We were to be there for 5 and Dr Martin ran a little late at his office so got to the hospital later than expected.

Mike went in at 5:37 and was done about 6:10. Hopefully all went well altho looking at him one would think he had run into the back of a truck at 100km/hour.

He was one brave patient as Dr Martin kept asking him if he was ok since it is a pain Mike described as green --blue and white searing light. He said there was no let up and he talked to try to focus away from it. Anyhow he is still in pain but I gave him a tylenol 3 that does not seem to have done much for him yet but hopefully will take the edge off at least.
I dropped him at home and then went to pick up his eyedrops at AJs. He is to take them in his left eye 4x a day BUT Dr Martin wants me to put them in 4x tonight.

Mike is not allowed to go horizontal for 2 weeks and cannot fly for a month (no plans there at least). He is in our room in my lazy boy as he wanted darkness and he can listen/watch tv as a distraction. He can get up and walk around as he feels like doing that but just cannot lie down.

We are to see Dr Martin again at 7:45 tomorrow morning back at St Joe's and we are on the way at least to recovery of his sight hoping everything goes according to schedule.

I hope everyone stays healthy at your end and stay safe. Enough stress for a while at this end.

One thing Mike did say coming home in the car was that he hoped no one had to go thru what he did and we know many people do every day.

In case anyone wants to know more details of the procedure it is pneumatic retinopexy surgery and you can see it online. Perhaps too much info for some I agree.

Take care all and thanks again for your love for Mike

